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These Coaching On the Go sessions are some of my most utilized tools with clients. They are designed to allow you to work through exercises to common issues on your own time and at your own pace. If you are ready to do the work and dig deep into your personal transformation, then these are perfect for you to get started towards clarity and healing! Usually these exercises are given to clients as independent work in between our sessions and then together we dig deeper, but Coaching On The Go allows for a chance to work on a specific area of opportunity and then the option to connect with me afterwards if you need further support. You can look at it as a way to do prework before a session.
You will have a directional audio to walk you through the exercise and access to the tools you'll need to complete the work. Book a coaching session if you want more clarity, need assistance to target root trauma, better understand your patterns, and find solutions to move forward. You will get a 25% discount to a coaching session for each exercise you purchase to support progress and your investment in your personal transformation.
You're clicks away from living your best life!

Lisa Hernandez, Divine Feminine Life Coach, Tarot, Astrology, Pranic Healing, Life Coach Coaching, Business Coach Coaching, Spiritual Coach Coaching, Pranic Face Life and Body Sculpting, Intuitive, Empath, Psychic, Keen Reader, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Coach, Mentor, Teacher, Metaphysical, Esoteric, Podcast, Blog, Energy Healer, Wix Website Creator, Website Design, USA, Baton Rouge, Portugal

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Coming Soon Neon Light
Relationship Patterns

Why do you pick the partners you do? Why do you keep attracting the same type of people? What is holding you back from having the connection you desire? How can you take your power back in your relationship?


This exercise is designed to help you get clarity on your attachment style, relationship expectations, patterns of behavior, boundary issues, any correlation to your upbringing, and cycles that need to be realized, shift, and be healed. It's time to experience the love you deserve!

Image by Emma Matthews Digital Content P

Do you have a hard time letting go or moving on from situations even if it hurts you? Do you struggle to maintain balance, often overgiving your time, energy, and resources, resulting in feeling drained or abused? Do you take it upon yourself to take control of others choices and actions?

This exercise is designed to help you see where you're blurring the lines between yourself and others, become aware of power imbalances, how to respectfully ensure healthy boundaries, stop people pleasing at your own detriment, find a healthy independence, and stop any painful patterns!


Are you putting everyone else first and yourself last? Do you struggle to speak your truth or to create or maintain healthy parameters with others? Do you even know what your needs are to set the proper boundaries for yourself? Are your needs the first to disappear off your list of to-do's?

It's time to get clear on what you need and what lines need to be drawn to set youself up for the life you desire! It's time to put yourself at the forefront of everything you do with self-love, self-respect, self-worth, and standing in your power! It's time to learn how to say yes and no with authenticity.

Image by Hello I'm Nik 🎞

Are you struggling to forgive yourself or somone else? Are there traumatic experiences negatively impacting your ability to live your best life? Are you seeking forgiveness, but can't seem to break through to those involved? 

Forgiveness can be difficult to achieve, but it is essential to your personal growth and development. In this exercise we delve into the meaning, the process, and explore the human experience and how it impacts our ability to release ourselves or others in a healthy way. You'll be ready to release yourself from these burdens and move on to enjoy your life!

Belief Systems

What are your beliefs? Are they actually your beliefs or what you've been told to believe? Do you even know the difference? What are your morals, values, and other hidden guidance telling you how to live, love, think, do, or be? Do your words and thoughts match up to the actions you are taking to create the life you want? Do you want what you want in your life for yourself or for somone else? Do you agree with your religious or traditional upbringing? Are you comfortable with how the world is today?

This exercise is designed to help you challenge your beliefs and come into alignment with your higher guidance so you can break free from all the outside noise and live your life authentically!

Trauma Bonds
Image by Gursimrat Ganda

Are you struggling to forgive yourself or somone else? Are there traumatic experiences negatively impacting your ability to live your best life? Are you seeking forgiveness, but can't seem to break through to those involved? 

Forgiveness can be difficult to achieve, but it is essential to your personal growth and development. In this exercise we delve into the meaning, the process, and explore the human experience and how it impacts our ability to release ourselves or others in a healthy way. You'll be ready to release yourself from these burdens and move on to enjoy your life!

In My Wildest Dreams

Who are you? Where are you going in life? Where do you want to be in 20 years, 10 years, 5 years, or in the next year? How are you getting there? What makes you happy? What is holding you back from achieving your dreams? What are your dreams, do you even know? 

This exercise is designed to help you get the clarity you need to take action in your life! By defining what you want to move towards and away from, you'll create a roadmap to ensure success of your aspirations. It's time to create the life you truly want to live - MANIFEST the real you!

Shadow Work Series

We are DUALITY in all things. We are light and dark, we are nature and divine, we are feminine and masculine, we are both living and dying.


This exercise is designed to support you in intergration of your shadow self. By identifying your true self, only then can you heal parts of yourself labled as broken, wrong, unacceptable, or misaligned.


This incorporates a portion of every exercise available in the Coaching On The Go series. If you're ready for a comprehensive deep dive, start here. If you feel you need to delve more into a given topic, you'll get a 25% discount on other exercises.

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